We want you to get the footcare you deserve, at the right price.


New patient podiatry appointment


Any new patient to the clinic will receive a personalised and in-depth analysis and a tailor-made management plan will be put in place for each individual.

Verrucae treatment
(after initial consultation)


The verrucae treatment can be complex with varying outcomes depending on the severity of the virus. At Sussex Footcare we offer revolutionary freezepen treatment as well as other options such as salycillic acid and needling.

Routine podiatry appointment


A routine podiatry appointment usually includes a review of foot concerns, toenail cutting, corn and callus removal followed by application of foot emollient or heel balm.



A Podiatry biomechanics specialist will use principles of biomechanics to assess how a patient moves and determine how this fits in to their injury, or patterns of pain. The assessment will include a full evaluation of muscle strength, joint mobility and health, neurological status

Nail cut


We offer this for patients that just need their nails cut and no other treatment is needed.


from £345

Nail surgery is an option to remove the infected area of an ingrowing toenail providing instant relief. Carried out by our experienced podiatrist under local anaesthetic, with all the aftercare treatment included.

Contact us.


07830 417 007
07928 199 375

5E Watts Lane
The Mews
East Sussex
BN21 2LN

Get started with Sussex Footcare